7 4
O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J U N E 2 0 1 4
' When you have a Clarus Optical smartphone
adapter, chances are good that the only monitor you
need is already in your pocket. Just attach your
own phone to the company's Levitan, Shikani
Adult or Shikani Ped scopes and you're
ready to take pictures or record video —
all the things you'd normally do while
intubating, but without the need for a sep-
arate monitor or monocular eyepiece.
2 0 1 4 ' S H O T T E S T P R O D U C T S
SMART IDEA No need for a separate monitor
with this adapter — your phone will do the trick.
' Gowning the surgeon has always required 2
team members to stop everything and assist with
the process. Not anymore. With the Solofit gown,
a scrub can do the job while nurses and anes-
thesia providers focus on more pressing matters.
Additionally, the gown provides 360-degree cov-
erage, reducing the chance of accidental con-
tamination and the risk of infection. It's available
in 2 sizes and has a shoulder strap that provides
a custom fit for every body type.
GOOD FIT One pair of hands is all
you need with the Solofit gown.
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