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J U N E 2 0 1 4 | O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
Sheldon S. Sones, RPh, FASCP
Keys to a Safe and Orderly Anesthesia Cart
20 recommendations to help ensure safe medication management.
ur mantra is
that we do
what we do not
for the survey, but
because we know
that a safe medication
environment, pro-
pelled by continued
vigilance, is one of
the cornerstones of
any facility's commit-
ment to prioritize
safety throughout the
organization. If you
observe "best prac-
tices" every day, sur-
vey day becomes just
another day — one
that requires no spe-
cial preparation.
Not a week goes by in our practice without at least one of our facili-
ties being surveyed by any of several overseers — whether it's a regu-
latory, licensure or accreditation review. We know that the anesthesia
cart and how the provider manages drugs are among the most com-
mon concerns and areas of "survey vulnerability." More than ever
before, we see a focus on how we do what we do at the anesthesia
cart location.
How can you make sure survey day is just a routine day? By doing
PERFECT SETUP This 'best of the
best' cart was organized by Raj
Mangla, MD, of Naugatuck Valley
Surgical Center in Waterbury, Conn.
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