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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J U N E 2 0 1 4
That Work
Put those 10 minutes
your staff sometimes
have between cases
to good use. We used
to let chart correc-
tions, post-op phone
calls and other
chores pile up until
the end of the day,
when some unlucky
person would get
stuck trying to handle
everything. Now we
have individualized
mailboxes for every-
one, and the charge
nurse passes out the
day's tasks each
morning. People can
take advantage of any
downtime they might have to get their jobs done, so we're doing a
much better job of keeping up, and everything is distributed evenly, so
no one gets stuck having to do more than her fair share.
Jill Foster, RN
Magnolia Regional Health Center
Corinth, Miss.
Mailboxes Make Tasks Fairer and Easier
GOT A MINUTE? It's easier to keep up with tasks when
everyone contributes throughout the day.
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