David Bernard
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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J U N E 2 0 1 4
Fluid Warming Systems
Maintain normothermia from the inside out.
n a chilly room, room temperature intravenous and irrigation fluids
push a patient closer to hypothermia and its clinical complications.
While forced-air blankets, heating pads and other products can
help to counteract this cooling risk, fluid warming prevents it entirely.
Lengthy, fluid-intensive cases see the best results from the avoidance
of this induced chill, of course. A recent study, however, has demon-
strated fluid warming's benefits even during short surgeries.
To evaluate the effects of pre-warmed IV fluids on normothermia,
Korean researchers observed their use on a group of female patients,
aged 35 to 80 years, undergoing ambulatory urological surgery with
FLUID SITUATION Warmed IV or irrigation fluids
can arrest a perioperative hypothermia risk.
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