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J U N E 2 0 1 4 | O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
To ensure that everyone is using the same expiration date on multi-
use vials, we have a calendar in each room that indicates, on Monday
through Friday, each day's 28-day expiration date right on that day's
calendar square. This also makes labeling quick and easy so we can
focus on patient care and not spend the time calculating expiration
dates. One staff member marks up the calendars for the entire year,
and another double-checks her addition.
Robin Hoff, RN
Orthopedic Surgery Center of Orange County
Newport Beach, Calif.
Know When Multi-Use Vials Expire at a Glance
28-DAY CALENDAR It's simple math: Add 28 days to each day to determine the expira-
tion date of multi-use vials.
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