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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J U N E 2 0 1 4
within the anesthesia cart remain in date.
. Review your med reconciliation responsibilities and be proactive
in establishing a safe practice and policy for discharge medication
guidance for patients.
. Review the allergies patients say they have and know how their
allergies interact with medications.
. Be involved in the formulation of the code and MH cart formulary.
Remember, you're the primary resource when it comes to manag-
ing patients who are in clinical jeopardy.
. Ensure that antibiotics are administered according to current
guidelines in relation to the incision time or start of procedure.
Monitor dosing as appropriate and clearly document administra-
tion times. OSM
Mr. Sones (
) is president of Newington, Conn.-based
Sheldon Sones and Associates, a pharmacy-consulting firm that serves more
than 100 ambulatory surgical centers in 8 states, and a member of our
Editorial Board.
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