Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/329643
1 2 0 O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J U N E 2 0 1 4 in a 5-suite ortho surgical center that does about 4,500 cases a year. They were printing images during the case and scanning them into the EMR. When we were through, they projected we'd save $18,000 and $75,000 in printing and scanning costs, respectively, in the first year. Plus, they decreased room turnover times by an average of 38 seconds. The image management system is able to export the images in a DICOM format — the industry standard. It's stored on a vendor-neutral archive and can be viewed universally. Patient demo- graphics associated with those files are stored in a way that any sys- tem can read and interpret them. The image management system is also able to receive a feed of all the scheduled procedures, so staff doesn't have to manually input the patient's information. Once staff pick the correct patient from the worklist, all patient data matches to the EHR. Not only is this faster, but it also eliminates errors. What's goes into the EHR should be clinically relevant. When you must edit images and video, ideally you'll want to be able to perform it remotely rather than locally on the individual acquisition devices. Providing access to the video and images via a secure centralized image management solution and the EHR eliminates the need to transfer images to portable media or to print images, thereby reduc- ing the likelihood of a HIPAA breach. OSM Ms. Garriott ( g arriok @ccf.org ) specializes in healthcare enterprise imaging strategy and is currently working with the Cleveland Clinic's MyPractice Imaging Solutions team. D I G I T A L O R Your Colleagues Are Talking About OR Excellence "Best conference ever!" —Taryn Harris, RN, Director, Southwest Medical Associates Surgery Center, Las Vegas, Nev. "By far my favorite." —Tammy Luther, BSN, MSSL, Manager, Caromont Health, Gastonia, N.C. "So many great ideas!" —Kari Stewart, CASC, Administrator, Pasadena Plastic Surgery Center, Pasadena, Calif. "Worth every penny!" —Teresa Heatwole, RN, Director of Nursing, Riverside Park Surgicenter, Jacksonville, Fla. "The speakers were exceptional!" —Shirley Torwirt, MHS, CASC, Administrator, Cypress Surgery Center, Wichita, Kan. Join us in New Orleans, Oct. 1-17, 2014 www.orexcellence.com "At least one take-away from every session." —Linda Szafranski, Director of Patient Care Services, McLaren Bay Region Health, Saginaw, Mich. "I met so many kind, intelligent, happy folks. " —Christy Lee, RN, Manager, Surgical Services, University of Missouri Health Care Medical Center "Can't wait until next year!" —Steve Wentworth, System Director, Surgical Services, St. Vincent's Health Care, Jacksonville, Fla. OSE_1406_part2_Layout 1 6/13/14 11:42 AM Page 120