Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/329643
EDITOR'S PAGE 1 2 O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J U N E 2 0 1 4 This sharp split in opinion points out that not all OR practices are black and white. A recommended practice carries with it AORN's seal of approval. Each document consists of recommendations based on the highest level of evidence available. But what if you were taught dif- ferently — both in nursing school and on the job? What if you've been bare-arm prepping for 20 years without incident? Like prepping, maybe it's okay to color outside the lines just a little in surgical practice, to trust your mentors, your education and your experience. Even AORN allows for a little leeway. "Although the recommended practices are considered to represent the optimal level of practice, variations in practice settings and clinical situations may limit the degree to which each recommendation can be implemented." As a follow-up to the prepping InstaPoll, we asked How often do you follow AORN recommended practices? At deadline, 40% of our 404 respondents say they follow AORN recommendations all of the time and 52% who don't believe everything they read adhere to them most of the time. You can lead an OR nurse to water, but you can't make her drink. OSM Your Colleagues Are Talking About OR Excellence "Best conference ever!" —Taryn Harris, RN, Director, Southwest Medical Associates Surgery Center, Las Vegas, Nev. "By far my favorite." —Tammy Luther, BSN, MSSL, Manager, Caromont Health, Gastonia, N.C. "So many great ideas!" —Kari Stewart, CASC, Administrator, Pasadena Plastic Surgery Center, Pasadena, Calif. "Worth every penny!" —Teresa Heatwole, RN, Director of Nursing, Riverside Park Surgicenter, Jacksonville, Fla. "The speakers were exceptional!" —Shirley Torwirt, MHS, CASC, Administrator, Cypress Surgery Center, Wichita, Kan. Join us in New Orleans, Oct. 1-17, 2014 www.orexcellence.com "At least one take-away from every session." —Linda Szafranski, Director of Patient Care Services, McLaren Bay Region Health, Saginaw, Mich. "I met so many kind, intelligent, happy folks. " —Christy Lee, RN, Manager, Surgical Services, University of Missouri Health Care Medical Center "Can't wait until next year!" —Steve Wentworth, System Director, Surgical Services, St. Vincent's Health Care, Jacksonville, Fla. OSE_1406_part1_Layout 1 6/6/14 3:43 PM Page 12