7 0
O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J U N E 2 0 1 4
' Talk about peripheral vision. The Fuse Full Spectrum Endoscopy colono-
scope by EndoChoice provides a 330-degree field of vision spread over 3
side-by-side monitors. That's nearly twice the size of the usual view, and the
result is significantly higher adenoma detection. In one recent study of 88
patients, the Fuse system detected 71% (48 vs. 28) more adenomas than tra-
ditional forward-viewing scopes.
2 0 1 4 ' S H O T T E S T P R O D U C T S
LESS INVASIVE This retractor doesn't require a dedicated
' The innovative and award-winning NovaTract 5mm
laparoscopic retractor makes minimally invasive surgery
even less invasive, because it doesn't require a dedicated trocar port.
Surgeons can grasp and manipulate tissue or organs with a tension-adjust-
ing system and the ability to internally modify the angle of retraction, so visi-
bility is increased without an additional incision and without having to
change surgical technique.
Gives You The
Power To See It.
Polyps Hide. RetroView
The latest innovation from the best-in-class colonoscopy solutions provider.
One look and you'll see how this revolutionary new colonoscope can help you find more
disease, remove more polyps and increase efficiency more effectively than ever before.
With its remarkably small retroflex radius wide angulation capacity, EC-3490TLi Video
Colonoscope (RetroView
) allows for greater visualization and access to the proximal side of
colon folds and flexures. Even in the most challenging situations, you have the potential to
improve your cecal intubation and adenoma detection rates in colonoscopy. To learn more
about how
gives you the power to see and do more visit RetroViewSeeks.com
©2013 PENTAX America, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All company and product names and marks contained within are federally
registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of PENTAX of America, Inc. MK-440 Rev: B
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