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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J U N E 2 0 1 4
ing about $7,000 per year from the switch. "The gel pads are easy to use
and clean, and with proper care will last you at least 3 years," says
Materials Manager Ulises Ruz. The Virtua Joint Replacement Institute in
Vorhees, N.J., switched from disposable foam headrests and heel protec-
tors to reusable gel products. "We also eliminated most disposable foam
positioning products and replaced them with reusables," says OR Nurse
Manager Carol Childress, RN, BSN, CNOR.
• The Overland Park (Kan.) Surgery Center worked with its local trash
company to have 2 dumpsters at the facility: one for trash and one for
commingled recycling. "It saves us money on our trash service and we
feel great knowing that the blue wraps and all the cardboard and plastic
that go through our facility are being recycled and not sitting in a land-
fill," says OR Manager Donna Jacobson, RN. OSM
doconnor@outpatientsurg ery.net
Even though hazardous and infectious waste makes up only
24% of medical waste, it accounts for 86% of disposal costs.
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