1 6 8
O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J U N E 2 0 1 4
that she was asleep. Merely thinking that she was resting, I was treat-
ed to another "code blue PACU" minutes later when her respiratory
rate approached Dracula's.
Hallucination hassles.
Perhaps nothing is more troubling than seeing a
normally good-natured person develop personality changes and
become Rambo before my very eyes. Months ago, a known kind soul
underwent a major knee surgery. Shortly after awakening in the
PACU, this normally good-natured person morphed into Frankenstein
over the course of a few minutes. More agitated than a teenager
grounded for the weekend, the patient tried to pick a fight with one of
the OR attendants. Foul language and smack talk filled the recovery
room. This poor chap wanted to fight everybody … and he wasn't
even Irish! After a negative work-up for any pulmonary or medical
issues, the cause of the agitation was ascribed to narcotics. Duh!
Nausea naughtiness.
Just a few weeks ago I repaired the shoulder of a
former football player whose physique would have made Arnold envi-
ous. Sadly, the patient awoke to more nausea than a woman carrying
triplets. I received a text message from the PACU nurse stating: "Mr. X
is very angry. He wants to know why he is so nauseated!" Apparently
the patient warned anesthesia that he had a problem with this issue in
the past. I am sure anesthesia did a commendable job. Despite our
best efforts … guano happens! This guy was strong. His biceps had
their own ZIP Code. Thank God he wasn't mad at me! OSM
Dr. Kelly (
joh nda k 4@g ma
) is an orthopedic surgeon/ sports-shoul-
der specialist who practices in Philadelphia, Pa.
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