the Zeiss Cataract Suite, which enables surgeons to access
patient data remotely.
Swiss Advanced Vision (SAV-IOL)
Swiss Advanced
Vision (SAV-IOL), the
Swiss manufacturer
of innovative intraoc-
ular lenses, dis-
cussed its project to develop an active lens with real-time autofo-
cus and wireless connectivity, termed Real-Time Autofocus Servo
Control, or R-TASC. Still in the research and fundraising phase, the
lens would fully restore accommodative function using a solar
energy capture system paired with a varifocal lens to allow real-
time focus adjustment on any object the patient views, solving the
lack of accommodation reflex common to other IOLs.
The R-TASC would be fitted alongside an implanted monofocal
lens for distance vision, or added to patients who already have a
monofocal lens but want to restore their visual accommodation.
The R-TASC would be placed in the anterior chamber, sitting
between the cornea and the iris, as a complement to the eye's
natural lens rather than a replacement for it, says the company.
SAV-IOL already offers an EDOF (Extended Depth of Focus) IOL,
Harmonis, that's customizable via a "try before you buy"-style
online configurator that surgeons and patients can explore
together to find the optimal vision configuration before the lens is
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