9 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T 2 0 1 9
services through its cloud-based infrastructure to enable sur-
geons and centers to work more efficiently. What's that mean?
Users enjoy expedited technical support and can synchronize pre-
ferred surgical settings across multiple Stellaris Elite systems at
multiple sites. Bausch adds that the cloud gives it a centralized
view of operational and performance data from Stellaris Elite sys-
tems in the field throughout the country, so it can pinpoint and
respond to technical and service requests promptly, as well as
identify and address system conditions to limit downtime.
Surgeons can grant Bausch remote access to their Stellaris Elite
system through the cloud to allow the company to perform tech-
nical assessments and issue software updates.
Artevo 800
Billed as "the first digital
microscope in ophthalmic sur-
gery," Artevo 800 provides
increased certainty for sur-
geons thanks to its dual-cam-
era 4K 3D resolution, says the
company. Its DigitalOptics fea-
ture is said to provide superior depth of field and real color
impression while reducing the light intensity required in the pro-
cedure room. As a cloud-enabled device, it can furnish real-time
digital assistance and detailed information in the OR — such as
intraoperative OCT imaging, cataract assistance functions, phaco
vitrectomy values and patient identification — and can connect to