A U G U S T 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 6 1
our everyday focus is to improve
patients' lives through superior
care while providing an experi-
ence that's as pleasant and safe as
possible. But what about engaging
patients through an entire episode of care —
before and after the day of surgery, when
they're not at your facility — and beyond? Enter
the rapidly expanding universe of patient
engagement software and apps. When imple-
mented properly, these systems can improve
patient outcomes, create stronger bonds
between you and your patients, save time and improve your bottom
line. As we shift to value-based episodes of care and bundled pay-
ments, clinically and cost- effective digital engagement will become
even more important.
With patient engagement software and apps, your patients gain a
handy tool that can enable them to take more proactive control and
ownership over their health while feeling more connected to your facili-
ty. The episode of care becomes even more collaborative and personal-
ized between patient and provider.
"Many times, patients see themselves as patients only when they're
with us, and when they leave, they see themselves as everyone else,
just a human being," says Neil Gomes, BSc, MBA, MMS, MEd, chief
digital officer and executive vice president for technology innovation
and consumer experience with Thomas Jefferson University and
Joe Paone | Senior Associate Editor
What Can Patient Engagement
Software Do for You?
Mobile apps can push alerts to your patient
that are easily accessed with the touch of a finger.
• PLAY-BY-PLAY MyCareText sends
patients appointment reminders and
their family members live updates
from the OR during surgery.