but its pass-through status expired at the beginning of 2018. "Omidria
will be widely used once again as of Oct.1, 2018, due to the approval
of a new 2-year approval pass through," opines a clinical supervisor at
a North Carolina ASC. Elsewhere, 7% use intracameral phenylephrine
alone, 7% use high-viscosity viscoelastic and 17% of facilities say there
is no one prevailing technique.
Micro-invasive glaucoma surgery
Micro-invasive glaucoma procedures, often called MIGS, are hot: 71%
of facilities host them. Within that group, 77% host stent procedures
like iStent, Cypass and the Xen gel stent, 42% host goniotomy/tra-
beculectomy procedures like the Trabectome, Trab 360 and the
Kahook Dual Blade and 20% host canaloplasty/viscodilation proce-
dures like the iTrack and Visco 360.
We asked our survey subjects how satisfied they were with the pres-
sure-lowering ability of these devices, the complication rate and the
patient satisfaction. Most expressed satisfaction with all 3, although
some commented that they were not in a position to know what hap-
pened post-operatively.
It's perhaps no surprise that what they're not consistently happy
with is the reimbursement. Our respondents are divided evenly, with
about half saying the reimbursement is "excellent" or "good" and the
other half calling it "fair" or "poor." "These products are so highly
priced that when reimbursement is lower than the cost of the prod-
uct, it doesn't make it very appealing to the consumer," says a
Missouri facility manager.
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