Keep Your
Nose Clean
What's your nasal decolonization strategy?
nfection prevention's new rallying cry: Just a little swab will do you.
Yes, we're hearing more and more about how nasal swabsticks magically
decolonize the nares of pathogens and reduce MRSA SSI rates.
The VA Portland Health Care System has quite a success story to share. A
couple years ago, a nurse of 19 years embarked on an ambitious evidence-
based project for her clinical nursing leader master's thesis: lower MRSA infections
through nasal decolonization before surgery. Melissa S. Schmidt, MSN, RN, CNL,
CPAN, CAPA, PACU, had her work cut out for her. In 2016, the VA reported 13
MRSA-related SSIs, more than 1 a month. Ms. Schmidt set a modest goal to reduce
infections by 10%. She underestimated herself.
Jeannette Sabatini | Associate Editor
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