everything and every person I take out.
• • •
I love it when a surgeon throws a major
temper tantrum for a piece of equipment
he's just got to have. Even though budgets
are stretched tighter than shrink-wrap, the
hospital lets the baby have the newest and
greatest toy. The CFO doesn't know what
the Magical Machine does, only that it's
expensive and that it's got to be good if
the surgeon feels so strongly about it.
Besides, the other 2 hospitals in town have
them in their operating rooms. Actually,
it's sitting cold in the equipment room,
along with all the other unused toys from tantrums past.
• • •
I was trying to give some Dextrose 50% to the scrub tech. I don't
know how the bottle malfunctioned or how it didn't contaminate the
field, but I do know that when Dextrose spills down your sleeve and
on to your skin, it's very sticky. And it pretty much stays sticky
throughout an hour-long case.
• • •
We had a traveler come to our facility. He was young and new in the
career of nursing. In a surgery center, you do it all. There's none of
this, "I don't do that. I'm a nurse. That's not what I went to school to
do." I just looked over the edge of my mask and raised my eyebrows.
"Oh, really?" I said. "When I clean up this patient and get him on the
stretcher to go to the recovery room, let's get together with your com-
pany and visit for a while."
A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1 9
• SIGN LANGUAGE Why are there Braille signs
outside every OR?