8 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T 2 0 1 8
ye surgery patients deserve the very best visual out-
comes, safety and convenience possible, and the man-
agers of eye surgery facilities are set to purchase the
products and services that can make that happen. But
there's one caveat: The economics have to make sense.
"Cataract reimbursements are going down, but the costs continue to
go up," says a South Carolina ASC administrator.
Our readers are interested in new ideas, but they'll only adopt tech-
nology that helps their patients and helps them preserve profits.
That's the take from this year's survey on new technology for cataract
and other anterior segment procedures. Here's what the 279 facility
leaders who responded had to say.
Outpatient Surgery Editors
2018 Cataract Survey:
What's Hot and What's Not
Readers weigh in on new eye surgery
technology, new drugs, new procedures and more.