1 1 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T 2 0 1 8
BQ-50, Z-2 (pictured) SeQure
Price: $39,500 to $68,000
FYI: The 3 Bioquell models — which are based on usage and room
size — use a 35% hydrogen peroxide solution to disperse a vapor that
covers every exposed surface in the room and eliminates 99.9999%
of contaminants, the company says. The technology reaches fungi,
bacteria, viruses and spores from ceiling to floor, and decontami-
nates difficult-to-clean areas. You must seal rooms with tape to pre-
vent vapor from escaping during use. You do not have to reposition
the system and run several cycles, and there is no residue or odors
left behind. Once a cycle is complete, the room can be reoccupied
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