Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

Keep Your Nose Clean - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August 2018

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/1016846

Contents of this Issue


Page 84 of 118

meet discharge crite- ria. You'll realize the benefit of that feature at day's end when charting is done, and done accurately. Instead of scrambling to fill out incomplete paper files, staff are heading home in time for dinner. "We have a lot less overtime and we're able to manage chart- ing much better," says Ms. Maurer. "Patient quality, safety, effi- ciency and the gift of time are the top things we've gotten out of transitioning to EMRs." OSM Don't chase a payback that doesn't exist yet* when you know it slows your surgeons down! Your ASC represents a time-efficient option for your Surgeons. Just imagine explaining your decision to replace that efficiency with a workflow they have grown to loathe elsewhere. Leverage what you already do best… with backend technology that saves time & money today without forcing your surgeons to log into yet another computer interface. Why do we care? We are Command Health. We are in the business of abstracting and analyzing quality data from existing workflows for surgeons across the country. Our business model demands quality documentation that lowers liability, drives better reimbursement, and proves your superior outcomes. Every day we fight to create and manage documentation that protects the revenue and the reputation of our clients. Why should you care? We have no interest in selling your ASC anything. In fact, to achieve our mission of better data and serving the entire community you rely on, we are willing to gift you our proven technology that will save your surgeons and staff time, frustration, and money from Day One. Isn't that what technology is supposed to do? Visit www.CommandASC.com *Command positions you to pivot to EHR output, when needed, but without the cost & hassle.

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