3. Does it have an open-door policy?
Ms. Moylan eventually found a potential new compounder in Vermont
and accepted an open invitation to visit the facility. She thought that
transparency and the recent FDA inspection report the pharmacy will-
ingly sent were good signs, but still wanted to see the compounders in
action and get feel for the place.
"During my visit, I pointed out that the FDA's report included several
recommended improvements," says Ms. Moylan. "I wanted to know
what those issues were and how the pharmacy was addressing them.
The staff was very forthcoming."
The reported issues were minor — nothing that would negatively
impact medication compounding — and Ms. Moylan appreciated
the pharmacy's willingness to open its doors and share the FDA's
findings. She wouldn't have had that experience or gained that per-
spective without trekking to Vermont.
"Get out there and ask the questions you want answered," she says.
Request inspection reports and find out how a pharmacy responds
to any concerns turned up during inspections, suggests Ms. Moylan.
That's why we've built a new state-of-the-art facility in Colorado and employ a team
of pharmacists, scientists, and quality assurance experts with deep knowledge of
cGMP processes. We combine our team of experts, our robust processes, and our
state-of-the-art outsourcing facilities to ensure the highest quality products and
services for you and your patients.
Learn how we are elevating the standards in pharmaceutical outsourcing at www.leiters.com
With increasing regulatory pressure, treatment
shortages, and the need to do more with less,
high quality pharmaceutical outsourcing
is more important than ever.