A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1 5
Price: not disclosed
FYI: The Helios system implements 3 emitters that allow it to disin-
fect surface areas with a single cycle and no repositioning. A "laser
mapping" feature scans the room and automatically creates a disin-
fecting plan. The system can also direct UV-C energy into a user-
defined area, such as multi-bedded bays, portable workstations and
around surgical tables. For added flexibility, the unit's emitters can
be decoupled and utilized individually in small spaces such as bath-
rooms. The system instantly shuts off the 3 emitters if it detects
movement during a cycle. Data indicate that it eradicates several
multi-drug resistant organisms, says the company.