9 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T 2 0 1 9
Ngenuity 3D
Visualization System
The microscopes in
use nowadays are all
very good, but the 3D
visualization provided
by this system gives
you even greater
depth of focus. It con-
sists of a 3D stereo-
scopic high-definition
digital video camera
and workstation that acts as an adjunct to the microscope during sur-
gery. Now, for me, this is as much a teaching tool — it lets everyone in
the OR see what you're seeing — as it is a tool that you need specifi-
cally for surgery. Clinically, it's not a must-have. But it's certainly a
nice-to-have if you can afford it. Beyond the image quality, the big
benefit of systems like this is surgeon ergonomics. Traditionally, when
you're sitting at a microscope, you're hunched over, looking down.
After years and years, that can take a toll. There are times when my
back screams at me at the end of the day. A lot of that is just paying
attention to your posture when you're doing cases, but you don't
always do that. This scope allows you to assume a different posture
so that you're looking straight ahead, which is ergonomically much,
much better.
• A NEW VIEW Dr. Bailey dons 3D glasses to take a spin with Alcon's new visuali-
zation system.