A U G U S T 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 9 1
Synovis MCA
DermaClose Continuous
External Tissue Expander
FYI: DermaClose's continuous exter-
nal tissue expander lets surgeons
reduce or reapproximate full-thick-
ness skin wounds and incisions, elim-
inating the need for unnecessary skin
grafts. The product features skin
anchors, bridge tubing and a unique
internal tension controller that main-
tains constant tension force, which
eliminates the need to retighten the
wound closure, and creates rapid tissue expansion and approximation
through constant stretch stimulus, says the company. DermaClose is
ideal for open wounds that can't be easily or fully closed due to miss-
ing tissue and must be handled progressively in stages.