acceptable. It's become okay because they don't understand or believe
that it's possible to get lower recurrence rates, better soft tissue out-
comes and fewer complications."
Practical pearls
Here are a couple tips for better hernia outcomes:
1. Less is not more.
It's important to choose the right size
mesh for the type of hernia, says surgeon Shirin Towfigh, MD, of the
Beverly Hills (Calif.) Hernia Center. She recommends certain standard
sizes, such as
• minimum 7.5 cm x 15 cm for open inguinal hernia repair,
• 10 x 15 cm for laparoscopic inguinal hernia, and
• 4 cm to 6 cm radi-
al overlap for ventral
"Putting in a small-
er size mesh is not
helping the hernia
repair," says Dr.
Towfigh. "It will
result in a recur-
rence, pulling pain or
balling up of an inef-
fective piece. It's like
wearing too small a
size of clothing."
2. Predictive
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