was on quickly
offloading pressure on
the sacrum, buttocks
and heels.
Hitchcock also shared
data on PIs with surgi-
cal services. "We
noticed that periopera-
tive services were dis-
engaged about PIs,"
says Ms. Miller. "We
hadn't been giving
them accurate and
timely data about PI
incidents, so PIs weren't a concern for them."
As you can see, preventing PIs isn't as burdensome as it sounds. You
just need to make it a routine part of your culture.
4 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T 2 0 1 9
• PRESSURE-SENSITIVE AREAS In the prone position, pressure ulcers frequently
develop on the forehead, cheek, female breasts, male genitalia, ankles and toes. An
overlooked risk? Drooling.