warming come to
about $30 per
patient. A 3-pound
blanket costs $1-a-
pound to wash,
and about 6 blan-
kets are used on
each patient. A
forced-air blanket
costs $6 to use per
case, and 2 are
usually used during each procedure. Money well spent, says Randall
Rentschler, perioperative director at Artesia. "Warming deceases
lengths of stay and helps to prevent infections," he says. "Both have
economic benefits."
John Lewis, BSN, MHA, director of surgical services at Evangelical
Community Hospital in Winfield, Pa., estimates patient warming costs
$10 to $15 per patient. They use a forced-air system and spinal under-
body blankets. These techniques have contributed to his facility's SSI
rate of 0.1%.
"Decreased incidence of SSI and faster extubation are clinical bene-
fits that have real economic value," says Mr. Lewis.
Sheri McDuffie, BSN, RN, nurse and perioperative educator at
Christian Hospital in St. Louis, Mo., says she doesn't know how much
warming patients with blankets and forced air costs. Guess what? "It
doesn't matter if it's effective," she says, adding that warming pro-
duces faster healing and reduced risks of SSIs. "Our patients love our
warmer gowns in pre-op. They are much more comfortable and at
ease prior to their surgery."
Doris Terwilliger, ADN, OR manager at Guthrie County Hospital in
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