7 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • F E B R U A R U Y 2 0 1 8
rom manually dumping open
canisters of blood and body flu-
ids down the drain to high-tech
suction units that dock directly
to a drain, there's a fluid waste
disposal option that's perfect for every OR.
Weighing Your Fluid Waste Disposal Options
Are you using the best method for your facility?
• FLUID DISPOSAL Getting rid of infectious waste quickly and effectively can make your OR run more efficiently and safely.
Outpatient Surgery Editors
Question is, which is
the best for your facil-
ity? Here are the most
popular options you
might want to consid-
Manually dump-
ing suction can-
Many facilities still
manually transport
filled suction canis-
ters from the field to
a utility sink and pour
the contents down
the drain, leading to a
municipal sewer sys-
tem that treats waste.
It's simple, low-tech
and inexpensive. And,
if your facility han-
dles mostly low-fluid
volume procedures
and your state and
local laws allow it, it's
even better.