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O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
Are You Leaving Money on the Table?
Here's how to overcome 4 common revenue challenges.
hat are
the top
challenges that surgi-
cal facilities face, the
issues that give your
business office fits
and give you sleep-
less nights? To find
out, our billing com-
pany, Medical Billers
and Coders, conducted a survey of around 1,000 facilities, asking
administrators, office managers and providers to identify the trouble
spots in their revenue stream. Surprisingly, we found that just a handful
of common problems are causing the majority of your headaches. Here
are the 4 most common reasons for revenue dip, according to our sur-
vey, and how to tackle them.
Inaccurate coding
Accurate coding is the No. 1 struggle. A majority of our respon-
dents said their billing team was inefficient and overwhelmed, especially
with ICD-10. Add to this a growing shortage of certified and experienced
coders, and you get more coding inaccuracies. In addition to securing a
well-trained coding team, closely monitoring your claims — whether
you have 3 on-staff coders or work with a third-party company — can
help ensure correct coding each time.
The best way to do this is to hold periodic internal audits. For these
audits, select a sample of your completed claims (a common sample
C O D I N G & B I L L I N G
Prerna Gupta
Are you making one of these
common revenue cycle mistakes?