Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

What's the Harm? - December 2015 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 16 of 150

Exparel may cost 25 times as much as conventional bupivacaine, but a new study finds that the 2 drugs relieve pain equally. osmag.net/uHBkH9 Topping the list of ECRI Institute's Top 10 Health Technology Hazards of 2016? The failure to properly pre- clean flexible endoscopes. osmag.net/GkAwS4 The makers of a duodeno- scope and the AER used for its reprocessing are being sued following the 2013 "superbug"-related death of a 55-year-old man. osmag.net/6HUtgR While it may be more efficient to have a surgeon running 2 ORs at the same time, could it also be more dangerous? osmag.net/7rSuKM Researchers have discovered a pre-op blood test that predicts how long it will take a patient to recover from surgery. osmag.net/Xr8RmC Looking for a way to control your supply costs? Try handing out surgeon report cards, researchers say. osmag.net/3SBHmf Is this the end of cataract surgery? Researchers may have discovered a way to use eye drops to reverse and pre- vent the condition. osmag.net/QvT2Rg How did you fare with the ICD-10 transition? CMS says it has rejected 10% of Medicare fee-for-service claims so far — though only a small percentage were denied due to cod- ing errors. osmag.net/hMaT5T It turns out that diabetic patients face an increased risk of SSIs after most surgeries, not just a handful of select proce- dures, as previously thought. osmag.net/ZaMcK2 There is too much foot traffic in the OR, disrupting room airflow and possibly increasing the risk of infection, a new study finds. osmag.net/oA4QMu Top 10 viewed features on outpatientsurgery.net IN CASE YOU MISSED IT … Sign up for our e-mail alerts and manage your subscription preferences at outpatientsurgery.net/news/in-case-you-missed-it.php. You'll be first to know when we post breaking news, weekly updates, reader polls, discussion boards and other online exclusives.

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