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D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 | O U T P A T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T
transfer patients.
• Wireless headsets. We circulators want wireless headsets, like the
ones that salespeople in big-box stores wear, so we can be in on every
discussion at the field, especially among those ortho docs who wear
the astronaut suits. We could also get hints on what's coming up in the
next case from the nurses station to prepare ourselves, or trade gos-
sip when the current case runs long.
• Pre-op scanner. Know what would really be helpful to pre-op nurses? A
Star Trek-style scanner that would alert them to what's still needed
before the patient is rolled into the OR. Picture this: "Checklist complete,
scan the patient … OK, consents signed, test results registered. Oops,
underwear still on, that's going to be an issue for this D&C. And, uh-oh,
multiple piercings with the jewelry still in at the surgical site."
• Remote-controlled OR. Before I retire, I want to work in a remote-con-
trolled OR. The remote control will turn all of the technology on at once.
It will move heavy equipment into place, and transport stretchers into
and out of the room. A shock collar could summon a missing surgeon to
the OR when the case is ready, and gently remind him when he's behav-
ing like a drama queen. The circulator will be the keeper of the remote,
but then, you probably didn't need me to tell you that.
• More nursing students in the OR. At times, the OR gets overrun, and
we really ought to put limits on the number of visitors the room can
accommodate. More than anything, though, we want to see more
nursing students in the OR. Send us as many as you've got and let us
teach them the good, the bad and the best things about working in
surgery. We're admittedly territorial, but we'd welcome the opportuni-
ty to add new members to our quirky but passionate family. OSM
Ms. Watkins can be reached at pwatkins12@comcast.net.