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JOINT EFFORT The right attachments turn a general OR table into a hip and knee arthroplasty table.
s more types of procedures migrate to outpatient settings, you
might find your tables are limited in their abilities. Ever wish
yours could do more? Surgical table attachments can bring
versatility to your OR, letting your table host new procedures and
adapt to new approaches. Here's a look at some innovative accessories to consider.
No more arm tucks
Adjustable arm supports might not seem like an essential, but they
can help to prevent minor inconveniences and major complications.
To get as close as possible to patients during procedures, surgeons
have traditionally taken the patient's arm off of the armboard once the
IV's been started and tucked it beneath the drawsheet in order to
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O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | N O V E M B E R 2013