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What Are Your Surgeons' Favorite Snacks?
Wanda Moratelli, CASC
lot of times I will ask my surgeons if they would like me to get
them lunch and they turn me down, even though I know they're
starving. So I had the scrubs ask the surgeons at the table what
their favorite snacks are, and then went out and purchased them for a
snack box on my desk. Not only do the doctors appreciate the snack, but
also it provides me the opportunity to have a few moments with them to
make sure everything is going smoothly in the operating room.
Wanda Moratelli, CASC
Ambulatory Care Center
Vineland, N.J.
A web-based regulatory compliance
document management system
designed for the healthcare industry.
Designed By ASC Administrators
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O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | S E P T E M B E R 2013