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and that there has
been sufficient communication and education. Remember, for all
outpatient CPNB, the
patient becomes your
surrogate eyes, ears
and intervener/ protector. To prevent probADDED RISK Patients who have lower extremity CPNB are
susceptible to falls and need to wear knee immobilizers at home.
lems, communication
after discharge is essential. We've found that daily phone conversations
are sufficient for most patients. If you have any doubt, consider admitting the patient or using a different pain control method. OSM
Dr. Adams (jmadams@iupui.edu) is an assistant professor of anesthesia at
Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis and chair of the ASA
Committee on Professional Diversity. Dr. Nagy (rnagy@iuhealth.org) is an
assistant professor of anesthesia at Indiana University School of Medicine.
S E P T E M B E R 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
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