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I'm exaggerating of course, but as my mother always taught me, "You
gather more bees with honey than vinegar." Kindness trumps anger. I've
seen colleagues lose their cool when they lose their room. You might hear
these frustrated surgeons say, "These are scheduled cases! I'm taking my
cases elsewhere!" Such juvenile behavior only thwarts a workable solution. We each bring our own baggage to every dysfunctional scenario.
For example, did Surgeon A really think he would get undivided attention and 2 dedicated rooms after booking 10 long cases? Did Surgeon B
ever recognize that a 3-hour appendectomy and 2 rooms just don't jibe?
More often than not, in an effort to help me, a staff member will
oblige my request to stay on later. She'll arrange for child transportation or inform her spouse that she'll be a little tardy for dinner so that
"Dr. Kelly can finish up."
We Irish don't forget kind acts rendered on our behalf. A simple
thank-you note, a kind word or an occasional bottle of bourbon goes
a long way in demonstrating gratitude. When we spread around goodness and kindness, we will be blessed in return. Send for the next
patient! OSM
Dr. Kelly (johndak 4@gmail.com) is an orthopedic surgeon/ sports-shoulder
specialist who practices in Philadelphia, Pa.
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O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | S E P T E M B E R 2013