Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Game Changers in Surgery - June 2018 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 22 of 39

eSutures.com has been proudly serving the medical industry for over 18 years. Anthony Iaderosa, President and Founder, tells the company's unique story below: What is eSutures.com? eSutures.com is discount reseller of excess inventory in the surgical device marketplace. We purchase excess supply from hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, dealers – any facility that has product that they aren't using and don't intend to use, and we sell that inventory where it is needed. How did eSutures.com start? Upon graduating college, I found a job selling suture and wound care products to hospitals and ASCs. Over the course of six years, I realized that there was a lot of inventory that was sitting on shelves going unused. Facilities were either throwing inventory away or paying to have it destroyed. I thought there had to be a way for facilities to not only get rid of excess inventory, but also add to their revenue stream while providing opportunities for cost-conscious facilities to acquire inventory at discounted prices. So, we starting buying large amounts of inventory from hospitals and surgery centers, warehousing it, and selling it back to other hospitals and surgery centers that were in need of those very same items. And that's how eSutures started in 2000. What void in the marketplace does eSutures serve? eSutures originally set out to provide a lower cost on the surgical items and small devices to cost-conscious facilities. As the business grew, we noticed that facilities were looking for items in less than full selling units (single suture packets vs full boxes) for rare procedures, and weren't interested in having that product sit on their shelves. So, they started using us for just-in-time ordering. Facilities could become much more efficient by ordering just what items they needed to be delivered just when they needed them—which didn't leave any money sitting on their shelves. What services do you provide to customers? We maintain an enormous inventory – we have almost 65,000 unique line items in stock from over 50 different manufacturers. The infrastructure we have in place allows us to be very nimble and get orders to customers as early as the next day. ASCs and physician's offices are not able to hold a lot of inventory on their shelves, therefore our just-in-time capability is very efficient for them. Same-day shipping is a huge benefit for customers, and is something that sets us apart from the industry distribution channel. Typically, an ASC would have to let their dealer know that they intend to buy a particular product and that dealer would have to keep that product on their shelves until needed, which isn't always possible. Additionally, some products are special order items and can take up to 2 weeks to receive. The benefit to ordering from eSutures is that we have the item in stock, and we can have it to you as soon as the next day. There is no lengthy process to set up an account, no minimum order requirements and no contracts. Simply order what you need from us, when you want it. For more information, please visit www.eSutures.com or email info@eSutures.com. J U N E 2 0 1 8 • O U T PAT I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 3 eSutures: Faster, More Economical Surgical Supplies Sponsored by SPECIAL ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT

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