Outpatient Surgery Magazine

The Power to Prevent SSIs - June 2017 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 58 of 132

keeping glucose levels under control; we need to do the same when it comes to keeping normothermia under control, especially in the first hour after anesthesia induction. We now know it's an imperative element of positive surgical outcomes. That means minimizing the amount of skin exposed during surgery, maintaining the temperature and humidity in the OR (neither too low nor too high), and using proven warming devices. 5. Peel packs This is an area that's underappreciated. When instruments, especially those with hinges, are reprocessed without being opened wide enough, they don't get adequately sterilized and that may result in cross-contamination. Meanwhile, surveyors appear to be on the lookout for this phe- nomenon. I've seen a lot of facilities get J U N E 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 5 9 © 2017 Contec, Inc. Simple. Efficient. Clean. Why Add Microbes to Your Mop Bucket? After that, it's just a magnet for nasties— Hair, lint, fungi, mold, even spores— recirculating through the laundry. Microfiber, while great at grabbing up bioburden from hospital floors or surfaces, is terrible at letting go even when washed. PREMIRA ® Microfiber Pads are revolutionary. New microfiber every time because our products are disposable. Superior bioburden removal and liquid sorbtion every time. And white in color because they can be, unlike those other mops that hide dirt and bacteria. The Single Use Revolution is coming. The truth is that microfiber really works best the first time it's used. www.contechealthcare.com • 864-503-8333 PREMIRA ® Microfiber Pads • Eliminate Cross-Contamination • Doesn't Neutralize Disinfectants • Consistently Better Cleaning • Optimize Staff Efficiency • Smaller Storage Footprint • Clinically Superior MADE IN USA

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