4. Expired opioids should __________ .
a. be kept secure until they are properly disposed of or destroyed
b. be thrown in the trash the day they expire since the active ingredi-
ent may not be potent anymore
c. still be given to patients to avoid spending too much money on
replacement medication stock
d. go home with employees in case they ever need emergency pain
a. You should continue to count (inventory) the expired drug until you
receive permission to destroy it or send it to the reverse distributor.
5. All of these are appropriate ways to safeguard against the mis-
use of sound-alike, look-alike drugs (SALAD), except __________ .
a. identifying SALAD on your facility's printed formulary
b. posting the SALAD list provided by the Institute for Safe Medication
Practice (ISMP)
c. putting stickers on all SALAD
d. storing SALAD in separate areas
b. Facilities should use the ISMP list as a guideline to develop their
own lists based on their unique drug stock/formulary. In some cases,
nurse managers will print the stock list and hang it, but surveyors
want to see that nurse managers have gone through their formularies
and picked out which drugs are high alert or look-alike or sound-alike,
and taken measures to ensure no patient harm will come from using
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