6 S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E M A R C H 2 0 1 7
he University of
Medical School
and the Fairview Health
Services health system
partnered to recently open
a $165 million structure
that houses surgeons'
offices, 10 high-tech ORs,
6 procedure rooms, 15
fully private pre-op rooms
and 22 recovery spaces.
The building has the mod-
ern feel of an Apple store.
It also puts us on the map
as the place where leading
surgeons want to work
and patients want to
come. The facility stands
as an investment in our future and will keep us on the cutting edge of care for
years to come.
Thinking ahead
We began to talk about the need to build the new facility way back in 2003, at the
beginning of the movement to perform complex surgical procedures in the out-
patient setting. Interest was growing among patients and surgeons for efficient,
cost-effective same-day care, and we wanted to have a facility that could meet
If You Build It, They Will Come
Our brand new surgery center attracts surgeons and patients alike.
On Point
Hutchins, MD
• CURB APPEAL New surgical construction and high-tech ORs help recruit high-volume
surgeons and maximize patient-centered care.