S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 5
38 2016 OR Excellence Awards
The Best of the Best
Here are your 2016 OR Excellence Award winners.
39 Patient Safety
Constantly Striving for Zero Patient Harm
Staff at The Valley Hospital in New Jersey will do
everything possible to protect those in their care.
47 Pain Control
Dedicated Teamwork Makes Patients the Winners
The staff at Capital Region Medical Center work
hand in hand to achieve excellent pain management.
52 Patient Satisfaction
Simple Equation: Happy Staff = Happy Patients
That's the formula for success at
Parkview SurgeryONE in Fort Wayne, Ind.
60 Financial Management
This GI Center Minds Its Business
The business office and the clinical team at the
Seaford (Del.) Endoscopy Center run a tight ship.
66 Staff Safety
Sparing No Expense to Keep Staff Safe
At TRIA Orthopaedic Center,
employee safety is job No. 1.
72 SSI Prevention
SSI-Free: 14 Years and Counting!
For Kindred Hospital in Las Vegas,
it's been an epic run of success.
80 Environmental Stewardship
Greening Up Their Act
Park Nicollet ASC's environmental
efforts carry a community benefit.
22 Barrier Protection Breakdown
What if your drapes, gowns, gloves
and wraps don't protect you as they should?
Outpatient Surgery Editors
86 Keys to Success With Same-Day Total Hips
A surgeon looks back on
100 outpatient hip replacements.
Richard B. Schultz, MD
98 8 Ways to Make Cataract Surgery Even Safer
These technologies improve patient compliance,
reduce surgical injuries and minimize patients'
risk of post-op infection.
Kendal Gapinski | Associate Editor
September 2016 • Vol. XVII, No. 9