1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6
f a laser is in use in the OR, staff cannot enter unless they're
wearing safety glasses. But often times that means they have
to first find a pair of glasses, which is a tough task. To make it
easier, we made our own eyeglass holder that you can hang up
along with a LASER IN USE sign. We simply attached an adhesive
hook on the door and placed the glasses on the hook. When the
nurse hangs up the LASER IN USE sign, she also hangs up the glass-
es. If you need to get in to ask a question, or if a staffer needs to
enter the OR due to an emergency, you can simply grab the glass-
es and go.
Lisa Ertle, BA, RN
Surgicare of Oradell (N.J.)
Keep Safety Glasses Handy for Laser Procedures
• SAFETY FIRST Keep safety glasses close by during laser procedures in the OR.
Ideas Work