3. Be quick, but don't hurry. This admonition, preached by leg-
endary basketball coach John Wooden, reminds us all to stay present
and not impulsively grab instruments or rush through a case. Well-
executed and planned steps lead to hyperefficient cases. Hurried
motions often lead to
much collateral dam-
age — to both patient
and surgeon.
4. Double glove.
Many of us omit this
step, but those extra
few microns of latex
may mean the differ-
ence between punc-
ture and pressure. Is
the seeming loss of
dexterity from don-
ning an extra pair of
gloves really a big
deal? In my case I'm
equally clumsy
whether wearing 1 or
2 pair!
Dr. Kelly
is an orthopedic sur-
geon/sports-shoulder spe-
cialist who practices in
Philadelphia, Pa.
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