S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 3 7
e asked our surgeons what
features they wanted when we
replace our aging fleet of sur-
gical headlights, and boy did they let us know.
They must be cordless. They must be comfortable.
They must emit a clear, bright and wide beam of LED light (without a
bluish tint!). Oh, and they must have a lightweight battery pack that
lasts a long time — at least 3 hours before they need a recharge — and
clips onto their waist instead of sitting on the crown of their head.
4 Keys to a
Successful Headlight Trial
Inside UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center's quest to convert
its aging fleet of 85 headlights to an all-cordless, all-LED one.
• SHEDDING LIGHT A head-to-head product comparison is the only way to find out which headlight your surgeons will want to wear.
Marcus Sherdrick
Los Angeles, Calif.