Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
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directives. "Our techs are sticklers about reading the reprocessing man- uals from the endoscope manufacturer and following the steps exactly," says Ms. Hoffman. "They're also not afraid to ask for clarification if they have any questions about how something needs to be done." The techs at Ms. Hoffman's facility occasionally use point-of-clean- ing testing to check the effectiveness of their endoscope cleaning. The tests check for the presence of proteins, carbohydrates and blood in channels after manual cleaning and before the scopes are placed in the AER. Results are available in about 30 seconds and are part of the center's ongoing peer-to-peer review process. "I'm not the one performing the tests and checking the results," she says. "Every one of the techs takes ownership in improving the area's reprocess- ing practices. It's my goal to support that teamwork." Gastrointestinal Associates Endoscopy Center's tech team is com- prised of staff members who've been trained on the job and former surgical techs, says Ms. Hoffman. "There are a lot of things people learn by doing and there are numerous excellent techs here who've done just that." However, she's quick to point out that all of her cen- ter's techs have received certification through the SGNA's Gastrointestinal Technical Specialist (GTS) and Advanced Gastrointestinal Technical Specialist (AGTS) programs. The ultimate standard Certification, the proper equipment and continuing education provide staff with the information and tools they need to turn over scopes quickly and effectively. However, one facility leader we polled says perhaps the most effective way to hammer home the importance of proper scope reprocessing is to ask a tech a simple question: Would you want a scope that you cleaned and disinfected used on you? OSM 1 3 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6