S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1 1
hen the HD video sys-
tems at Marshall
Medical Centers began
showing their age, the hospitals considered replac-
ing them with new high-definition systems. After
all, the technology's price had come down since their initial purchase.
Instead, they chose something even better.
What's better than HD? You'll find out when you catch a glimpse of
surgery in 4K, the ultra-high definition resolution that users say is tak-
ing surgical visualization to the next level. Olympus and Sony
launched complete camera-to-display-screen 4K imaging systems at
Do You Need 4K Video?
Get the big picture on the next level of surgical imaging.
David Bernard
Senior Associate Editor
• EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK Marshall Medical Centers outfitted 9 ORs with 4K video.