Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Compounding Disaster - July 2016 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 136 of 168

J U L Y 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 3 7 • Woe is me. Some surgeons, even seasoned ones, have PhDs in self- reproach, and surgical complications result in a volley of self-castigation and self-flagellation. One can actually palpate the loss of confidence that ensues after a surgical misadventure presents. Some may be paralyzed by fear, immobilized with the prospect of doing even more harm. Thankfully, many find ways to snap out of the confidence vacuum and find the strength to complete the task. Others are less fortunate. After several minutes of aimless activity (or inactivity), some will do the pru- dent thing: Call for help. • Mood disorder. Many in medicine suffer from mood disorders and just enough stress can trigger a manifestation. Next time you see a sur- geon scream, yell or throw instruments, recognize that there is either a borderline personality or bipolar sufferer present. Ironically, some of the most brilliant and gifted who wield a knife also often carry the most psy- chological baggage. Mercurial moods indicate a labile psyche with an underlying (often undiagnosed) mental illness. How to cope The fate of a case may depend on how nurses deal with adversity. Here's how to disarm explosive situations. • Stay positive. Don't feed into the cycle of negativity. Calm reassur- ances are just what a fearful psyche (surgeon) needs. Resist the con- tagion of panic and harried behavior. • Calmly maintain your boundaries. No one should tolerate abusive behavior. When a surgeon crosses the line, politely tell him that you won't tolerate his behavior. Reasoning won't always work since often- times the offender is simply irrational. Hold your ground and focus on the task (patient) at hand. • Separate the pain from the person. Inappropriate behavior is usu- ally a cry for help, inner pain projected outward. Don't take the indis-

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