cystectomies. Other systems use digital processing technology to bright-
en up dark areas of the anatomy, intensify colors or cut through the haze
of surgical smoke during the procedure.
The options are piquing some managers' interest. About 18% say they're
using a form of image enhancement technology currently or they plan to
adopt one by the end of the year. Roughly 39% say they're considering it
for future use, especially since you can use some systems with your cur-
rent video towers. "Our equipment is getting dated but is doing the job we
need," says one respondent. "Eventually we will have to buy new equip-
ment and will probably purchase a enhanced system." Others are taking a
wait-and-see approach. "Until data demonstrates efficacy, we will not
adopt (image enhancement)," says Thomas Lyons, MS, MD, medical direc-
tor of surgical services at Rockdale Medical Center in Conyers, Ga.
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