Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Compounding Disaster - July 2016 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 72 of 168

example, will show the presence of protein, hemoglobin and/or adeno- sine triphosphate (ATP) on devices. To use these tests, you swab the instrument after cleaning and then either insert the swab into a hand- held machine to test for bioburden, or into a solution that changes col- ors if organic debris is detected. Your techs should also visually inspect the device for cleanliness. If the device is contaminated, they must repeat the entire cleaning process. Also monitor mechanical equipment in your processing department to ensure it's in good working order. Some tests ensure that ultra- sound cells in ultrasonic washers are functioning, others demonstrate that automated washers are effectively removing soil. Techs should perform these tests regularly, according to the machines' IFUs. • Storage. Be careful with how you store the device, since biofilm can easily grow if you let moisture collect in the lumens and channels. For endoscopes, drying cabinets that circulate HEPA-filtered air and force air through the scope's channels can help prevent moisture and the growth of biofilm. For surgical instruments, it's expected that the tray's blue wrap or covered container will keep the instruments sterile and ready for use after sterilization. But if you see any sign of moisture on the outside or inside of the container or wrap, consider the package contaminated and reprocess the instruments. To help prevent this, let instruments adequately cool after sterilization and before you move them from the sterilizer cart. If you move devices while they're still warm, condensa- tion can occur and cause the devices in the sterile pack to become contaminated. OSM J U L Y 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 7 3 Ms. Swenson (donnaswenson@spqs.org) is the president and CEO of Sterile Processing Quality Services, an infection prevention and sterilization consulting company.

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