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Beating Back Bacterial Biofilms
Tips to prevent the growth of the slimy coating that lets
bacteria survive and thrive.
Donna Swenson, BS, CRCST, CHL | Stickney, Ill.
• HIDDEN MENACE Could biofilm — a slimy microscopic coating that harbors bacteria — be hiding in your lumened instruments?
iofilms are a reprocessor's nightmare. Resilient, relentless
and often microscopic, these slimy, sticky coatings that
bacteria excrete can form in minutes on moist surfaces
and in lumened instruments. Once they form, good luck
removing them. Biofilms can be up to 1,000 times more resistant to
antimicrobial agents than the standard bacteria you're used to fighting.
But there are steps you can take to prevent biofilm from forming.