J U l y 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 1
on't you just love it
when reps bring in
new items without
asking for permission, only to
get an invoice for the gadget
after the procedure has been
completed? To help prevent
this, we require that any new
devices must first pass
through our Product Value
Analysis Committee before
they can come into the OR. Before we let a new product in the room,
the sales rep has to first request that the product be placed on the
PVAC's meeting agenda. At the meeting, the rep needs to present his
supplies and include a clinical and financial plan. The committee can
then either approve or turn down the product based on this informa-
We also make sure to monitor the comings and goings of our vendor
reps. When a rep arrives, he uses our credentialing machine to print
out a badge with his name, photo, company and the date on it. Then
he comes to the front desk and signs the logbook, recording why he is
visiting and which doctors he is there to see. In June, we also added
the requirement that reps must have scheduled appointments in the
OR instead of just dropping by. If this entire process is not followed,
the product is not paid for and the sales rep can no longer work in our
medical center.
Lani Garris, RN, MAS, BSN, CNOR
Hackensack (N.J.) University Medical Center
Before New Products Can Enter the OR …
• CHECKS AND BALANCES Manage and monitor reps by implementing a better check-in policy.